Orange Historical Society
Orange, Connecticut


Orange Country Fair Following the Grange's successful experiment with agricultural f airs, the Orange Agricultural Society was formed in 1900 to continue the fair in a larger way. Twelve men served as a Board of Directors: Watson S. Woodruff, Walter S. Hine, Arthur D. Clark, Edward L. Clark, Clifford E. Treat, Frank C. Woodruff, Walter H. Beecher, Edward W. Russell, Charles S. Clark, Sylvester G. Colburn, Patrick J. O'Rourke, and Benjamin T. Clark. A few acres of land on the Orange Center Road, just a little south of the Green, were leased from S. D. Woodruff and Sons and the Clark brothers, and a half-mile race track was built with a large grand-stand. A two-story building was erected to hold the vegetable exhibits and the fruit exhibits on the first floor, with the second floor devoted to the women's department. Here were found specimens of fancy work, bed-quilts, and knitted or crocheted articles, besides all kinds of food, canned fruits and vegetables, and many kinds of jellies.
Orange Historical Society - Small Town America and Proud | Orange Connecticut
Gift Shop
Bryan Andrew
Town of Orange Orange Historic District Our Schools Orange Police Department
Orange Historical Society | Orange CT 06477
Orange Historical Society
Orange, Connecticut
Orange Historical Society - Small Town America and Proud | Orange CT
Bryan Andrew


Orange Country Fair Following the Grange's successful experiment with agricultural f airs, the Orange Agricultural Society was formed in 1900 to continue the fair in a larger way. Twelve men served as a Board of Directors: Watson S. Woodruff, Walter S. Hine, Arthur D. Clark, Edward L. Clark, Clifford E. Treat, Frank C. Woodruff, Walter H. Beecher, Edward W. Russell, Charles S. Clark, Sylvester G. Colburn, Patrick J. O'Rourke, and Benjamin T. Clark. A few acres of land on the Orange Center Road, just a little south of the Green, were leased from S. D. Woodruff and Sons and the Clark brothers, and a half-mile race track was built with a large grand-stand. A two-story building was erected to hold the vegetable exhibits and the fruit exhibits on the first floor, with the second floor devoted to the women's department. Here were found specimens of fancy work, bed-quilts, and knitted or crocheted articles, besides all kinds of food, canned fruits and vegetables, and many kinds of jellies.